
Showing posts from March, 2018

Come Out and Speak the Truth

Dwelling Word Broadcast proudly present a motivational message to inspire you and lift your souls up while you dwell in his presence. Come out and speak the truth was used with the story of Jonah who God sent to go proclaim his word but refused, but rather run away from God's but couldn't hide away from God. This word was taken from the book of Jonah 1 vs 9 Jonah 1 vs 9 - 12 He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.” 10 This terrified them and they asked, “What have you done?” (They knew he was running away from the Lord, because he had already told them so.) 11 The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, “What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?” 12 “Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.” Connect With us:

4 Lessons About Driving

As I dressed up to go out this morning, I am once again reminded of how personal and private this race called life is. I got into a car, drove out, and joined the road where other cars are already travelling on. Lesson 1: We don't all have the same entry point into life. As I keep driving, I pass some other cars, while other cars would pass me. Lesson 2 : We won't travel through life at the same speed because each car is built differently. As I moved on, I catch myself trying to pursue another car in front of me, only to discover that, just as I am about to pass it, it turns off the road into another road. Lesson 3: We don't all have the same exit point. We are all on this journey called life. We will enter at different points and exit at different points, but one thing is clear: we will all exit this road at one point in time or the other. It may be 10km run God has given you, or it could be 100km; what is important is that you run your race well. Lesson 4: ...

Word of wisdom for you

What is wisdom? Some dictionary defined wisdom as the capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgement in the choice of means and ends; sometimes, less strictly, sound sense, esp. in practical affairs. In Christianity "wisdom" describes an aspect of God, or the theological concept regarding the wisdom of  God The book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and James and other main books of wisdom in the Bible including the book of Job, Psalms, and 1 and 2 Corinthians, gives lessons on gaining and using wisdom through difficult situations. But wisdom is not limited to only these books in the Bible, no matter the book, words of wisdom can be found. Today I wanna share with you 19 set's of "wisely living" or "wisdom" that summarizes some wisdom words that I have learned in life and I believe can help you in your journey of Faith: 1) Telling the truth and making someone cry, is better than telling a lie and making someon...

I prayed for you

I knelt on the floor this dawn and prayed for you. As long as there is  God in Heaven, you will never know shame. Your life will always have a meaning. The door of goodness shall not be shut against you. Every satanic power trying to re-design your destiny shall be crushed by heavenly hosts. Every evil arrows shall return back to the sender... By the grace of God, your arrival at all places will break barriers, your miracle will break protocols, your testimony shall last forever, you shall be the most preferred anywhere you go. Power to survive every storm of life shall rest upon you and the name of the Lord shall be glorified in your life. The blood will speak for you, the Word will work for you, the Almighty will perfect all that concerns you, you will prosper, the work of your hand will prosper, you will prosper in health, your soul will prosper in the name of Jesus!!!!!!!!. Whatever trap is set against you, the One that is greater than the greatest will...

Kill That Seed before It Kills You

WHO KILLED SAMSON ???????? Delilah or the Philistines ? None of these options is correct. Permit me to tell you how; Even if there were 10,000 Philistine soldiers, they couldn't have defeated Samson. Do you know why?  Samson's strength was not of this world; it was divine. As long as no one can defeat God, no army could have defeated Samson no matter how strong or many Samson was raised a terror for the Philistines. He killed a lion with his bare hands, lifted the gate of a city on his shoulder and walked over 46 miles; he killed 300 Philistines soldiers with a jaw bone. What if he got a spear or sword? So, who killed Samson? The answer is Samson. Yes! Samson killed himself! A man is his greatest enemy. What an enemy cannot do to a man, he would do to himself. Samson killed himself. He delivered himself to the lap of Delilah and used his own mouth to tell the secret of his power. His life promised so much but delivered so little The Bible says, "People ruin their l...

hold on to your dreams

It was Martin Luther King Jnr who said " in spite of all the difficulties, challenges and frustrations of the moment,  I still have a dream"  It could happen that almost  everyone is against you, all events are temporary working against you, non of the new year resolutions you made and the things you intended to achieve within this year has been achieved as at now.  I am led to inform you that, it is never too late. Continue to hold on to your dreams.  Be bold and fight for what you believe in. Never allow the opinions of someone  to become your reality. Keep on going and you will surely achieve whatever your God has planned for you. Keep praying and working towards your dreams. Never give up. Peace be unto you. S tay blessed

right and false pastors

There's a narrative out there that paints ALL pastors in a negative light. It claims that pastors are manipulative businessmen who prey on innocent and gullible people in God's name. It suggests that older pastors have only survived and prospered because they've fed fat on the wealth of their followers over many years. It suggests that young pastors only nurse the ambition of growing their congregations at all cost, so that they can "hammer", and move to the "permanent site". Unfortunately, some of the architects, sponsors and reporters of this narrative are people who have benefitted from the wisdom, compassion, dutiful spiritual guidance and sacrificial leadership of these pastors they now label “greedy” and “evil” and other unprintable names. Doubt it not, there are many preachers today whose god is their belly. There are those whose primary idea of ministry success is a large following, fast cars, assorted trips, exotic holidays,...